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AI for All

At PZOC, AI is in the front seat. Be it Advice services powered by intelligent conversation bots, AI integrated analytics for smarter insights or Anonymous Customer tracking and analytics for Retailers, we build intelligent systems that coexist with any of your current infrastructures. Our sophisticated AI technology and easy-to-use AI applications power a wide spectrum of industries.

Machine Learning

We help business software to identify patterns and behaviour from large volumes of operational data through machine learning. Rather than explicitly programming custom software, our machine learning solutions help your information systems to think and predict outcomes on their own by sophisticated learning algorithms. Some of our popular solutions include recommendation engines for ecommerce sites, predictive sales channels, etc.

Machine Learning

We help business software to identify patterns and behaviour from large volumes of operational data through machine learning. Rather than explicitly programming custom software, our machine learning solutions help your information systems to think and predict outcomes on their own by sophisticated learning algorithms. Some of our popular solutions include recommendation engines for ecommerce sites, predictive sales channels, etc.

Deep Learning

Build cognitive business technology frameworks that think like a human brain with deep learning. Using multi layered Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) we help your computers to mimic human brain actions by perceiving complex and non-linear problems, and respond to it as humans would. Our forte includes self-learning software solutions, self-serving conversational chat bots and much more.

Conversational Tools

Our advanced AI capabilities have been utilized to create intelligent conversational tools for organizations to serve their customer queries automatically without human intervention. By analyzing queries, studying previous customer conversations and rapidly changing textual content, our Chatbots offer a contextually sensitive answering service to customers. They will be able to suggest quick fixes, track customer feedback, decode natural language and much more.

Conversational Tools

Our advanced AI capabilities have been utilized to create intelligent conversational tools for organizations to serve their customer queries automatically without human intervention. By analyzing queries, studying previous customer conversations and rapidly changing textual content, our Chatbots offer a contextually sensitive answering service to customers. They will be able to suggest quick fixes, track customer feedback, decode natural language and much more.

Classification Tools

We build custom classification capability using AI frameworks for our business customers. Our classifiers help business systems to better predict outcomes by identifying source patterns in unstructured data, for example insights such as sentiments, language, gender, age, demographics, favourites, etc. can be deduced from interactions.

Tools and Technologies

Data Visualization

Our Data Visualization tools help your business to understand and interpret business trends, visualize correlations, and to make informed decisions. Visualizing information in pictorial representations can give a closer understanding of your data as well as understand large amounts of information very quickly. We build visualization dashboards customized to your business needs with support for numerous third-party integrations.

Data Analytics

With our data analytics solutions, we help enable you to listen to your data talking. Insights that can help accelerate your business growth are hidden in your business data. The challenge is to uncover these insights. Our Data Analytics solutions helps you to identify these hidden trends and patterns that enhance your business performance. Explore and analyse structured, unstructured, internal and external content to discover insights that improve decision-making, customer service and ROI.

Data Analytics

With our data analytics solutions, we help enable you to listen to your data talking. Insights that can help accelerate your business growth are hidden in your business data. The challenge is to uncover these insights. Our Data Analytics solutions helps you to identify these hidden trends and patterns that enhance your business performance. Explore and analyse structured, unstructured, internal and external content to discover insights that improve decision-making, customer service and ROI.

Chatbot Services

We serve small and medium sized companies across industries with high quality growth services which are presented below


Conversational AI Bot

Conversational Bots ask the right questions to automatically prioritize and route new conversations for more efficient support.


Multi Channel Bot

Connect your bots to one of the many messaging channels such as Slack, Telegram, Microsoft Framework, Facebook and Skype etc.


Rule-Based Bot

Make bots answer questions based on rules which they are trained on. Rules can be simple to very complex based on the domain and industry.

One Chatbot - many platforms.

Quick and easy integration with chatbot services to enable productive dialogues across various platforms.

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